Agreement of Verb with Subject in Hindi: A Guide for Writers

When it comes to writing in Hindi, one of the most important rules to keep in mind is the agreement of the verb with its subject. This grammatical concept ensures that our sentences are clear, concise, and grammatically correct. However, for those who are not native speakers, this rule can be a bit tricky to master. In this article, we will take a closer look at this concept, its importance, and some helpful tips to keep in mind while writing in Hindi.

What is Agreement of Verb with Subject?

Agreement of verb with subject means that the verb agrees with the subject in terms of gender, number, and person. In simple terms, we have to use a singular verb with a singular subject and a plural verb with a plural subject.

For example:

वह खेल रहा है। (He is playing.)

महिलाएँ दौड़ रही हैं। (Women are running.)

In the first example, “वह” (he) is a singular subject, so we have used a singular verb “खेल रहा है” (is playing). In the second example, “महिलाएँ” (women) is a plural subject, so we have used a plural verb “दौड़ रही हैं” (are running).

The Importance of Agreement of Verb with Subject

Agreement of verb with subject is important to ensure that the sentences are grammatically correct and convey the right meaning. In Hindi, incorrect agreement of verb with subject can lead to confusion and miscommunication, especially in formal writing or communication. It can also affect the overall quality of your writing and impact your credibility as a writer.

Tips to Keep in Mind

Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind while writing in Hindi to ensure the agreement of verb with subject:

1. Identify the Subject: Always start by identifying the subject of the sentence. This will help you determine the correct verb to use.

2. Determine the Number and Gender: Once you have identified the subject, determine its number (singular or plural) and gender (masculine or feminine). This will help you select the correct verb form.

3. Use Pronouns Correctly: Pronouns like “वह” (he) and “वे” (they) can be used to avoid repetition. However, make sure to use them correctly to ensure that the agreement of verb with subject is still maintained.

4. Practice, Practice, Practice: The more you practice writing in Hindi, the more you will become familiar with the rules of agreement of verb with subject. Read Hindi newspapers, books, and articles to expose yourself to different styles of writing.


Agreement of verb with subject is an important aspect of Hindi grammar that writers must pay attention to while writing. By following the tips and guidelines outlined in this article, you can improve the quality of your writing and ensure that your sentences are grammatically correct. Remember to practice regularly and seek feedback from others to further improve your writing skills.