AFSCME Contract 2020 MN: What`s in Store for Minnesota Public Employees?

The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, or AFSCME, represents thousands of public employees across Minnesota. Every two years, the union negotiates a new contract with the state to cover wages, benefits, and working conditions. With the AFSCME contract for 2020 now finalized, here`s a breakdown of what`s in store for Minnesota`s public workforce.

Wages and Benefits

One of the biggest changes in the new AFSCME contract is a wage increase for all eligible employees. Across the board, workers will receive a pay bump of 2.25% in 2020 and another 2.5% in 2021. This is in addition to step increases for employees who are still working their way up the pay scale.

In terms of benefits, the new contract maintains the current level of health insurance contributions for employees and their families. It also includes a slight increase in the state`s contribution to the employee retirement plan, as well as a new provision for paid medical leave.

Working Conditions

The AFSCME contract for 2020 also addresses several key issues related to working conditions. For example, the contract includes language to improve workplace safety for employees who work in potentially hazardous environments. It also establishes new protocols for managing workplace conflicts and grievances.

One potential sticking point in the contract negotiations was the use of temporary workers by state agencies. In the end, the new contract includes language that gives AFSCME more control over the use of temp workers, including the ability to negotiate their wages and benefits.

Overall, the new AFSCME contract for 2020 represents a win for Minnesota`s public employees. With wage increases, improved benefits, and crucial changes to working conditions, the contract helps to ensure that the state`s workers are treated fairly and can continue to provide high-quality public services to their communities.