Contact centres carefully calculate their productivity rates after each day of work. The final score includes both the total number of calls and calls hung on the line before the answer. Most companies prefer to divide their level of service into three groups: A call center capable of solving the customer`s problem in the first call is definitely to improve the customer experience with the corresponding company. This, in turn, increases customer loyalty while minimizing customer costs. This is one of the reasons call centres are concerned as much as possible about how to communicate with customers. Although obtaining such statistics can sometimes be annoying – companies need to keep data on their customers and constantly monitor renewed applications. In addition, different surveys can be implemented to determine essential statistics: Accept Call Center SLA, a company approves customer service rules. All employees of the company who interact with customers are required to sign ALS. Whether it`s a contact center specialist, an account manager or a distribution assistant, everyone must recognize the SLA customer service accepted by the company and strictly follow the established rules. It seems obvious that these rules should be followed by the staff concerned and that they should not even be discussed. Nevertheless, the service level agreement is useful to put these rules even more in stone and ensure the highest possible quality of service. The term average chat time (TCA) is considered only when an operator is in line with a customer, including call storage times. According to Call Work (ACW) in the amount of work done by a call center specialist after the end of a conversation with a client.
This process describes the general actions for a particular task. B for example, recording customer data in the database and changing the “ready” mode. Average Time to Abandon (ATA) is an indicator of an average time before the call decline. It covers the period between the date of the telephone and the unanswered stop. It is interesting to note that some clients are willing to wait a long time, while others give up at the first minute – but contact centre staff have learned to measure people`s patience and other indicators. CONSIDERING that the parties have entered into an agreement with effect on the [date] (the “contract”) relating to the service delivery by the service provider (as defined in the latter) (the “services”) and the level of service – the number of calls accepted / the total number of calls – 100 and the result received at ASA (Average Speed of Answer) or AWT (Average Waiting Time). CONSIDERING that the contract stipulates that an agreement on the level of service is a precondition for extending the duration of the contract; and contract preparation is one of the most important aspects of the entire outsourcing process. A client company wants to be able to rely on the Service Level Agreement (ALS) to meet the requirements and clearly state all payment and productivity standards.