b) carry out all the work necessary to carry out on-site marketing and promotional markets, provide the appropriate storage spaces, open new distribution centres, where appropriate, and provide local services within the contract sector. When executing this contract, the Second Party is allowed to use the First Part mark, but without additions or modifications. He will do his best to promote this brand throughout the region. 2. The agreement specifies the obligations of the parties to the parties and to consumers, the object, territory, termination mechanism and obligation for the client to provide spare parts, maintenance and guarantees for the duration of the contract and one year after. Article 2. Les deux parties conviennent que la deuxième partie, en qualité d`agent ou de distributeur (« agent ») pour la première partie, négociera et conclurait tous les accords relatifs aux produits ou services relevant de l`accord de distitorship, au nom de ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ La loi prévoit que seul un ressortissant saoudien ou une unité entièrement saoudienne a le droit d`agir en tant qu`agent commercial en Arabie saoudite, et l`accord doit être enregistré auprès du département des agences commerciales du ministère du commerce et de l`industrie. The Second Party (Saudi) wants such relations to be in line with the rules on foreign trade (imports and exports), in particular the regulations relating to trade agencies and their modifications in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which impose a direct relationship between the trading partner or distributor of products and the initiator abroad. Non-Saudis are prohibited from operating in import and export operations and trade agencies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Article (7) The second part is required, under the law of the importing country, to provide, under this treaty, only products and materials compatible with the standard specifications approved in the country of import. The first part ensures the quality of these products and materials and ensures that they meet the approved standard specifications of the import country; the agent is not required to receive or be responsible for quantities received from the First Part that violate the required standard specifications. The definition of a sales agent within the meaning of the law is broad and covers representatives, distributors and franchisees. The regulations apply to “any person who enters into commercial activity contracts with a manufacturer or his representative in his or her country, whether as a representative or distributor in any form of agencies or means of distribution of profits, commissions or organizations of any kind, including shipping, aviation or country agencies and any other agency that would be decided by the Minister of Commerce and Industry.” Agency contracts are governed by the law on the commercial agency of the royal decree no. M/11 of 20.2.1382H (corresponding to 22 July 1962G) (the “law”) and its regulations (the “regulations”). While under Saudi law, there is nothing to prevent the parties from settling their agreement with a foreign law or referring disputes to foreign courts or arbitrations, Saudi courts generally do not respect the consent of the parties and impose Saudi law when the dispute is referred to the Saudi courts. This date , corresponding