With quantifiers that indicate a part as “many, a majority, some, all,” the verb will correspond to the noun that comes after the quantifier. That`s why we say “a lot of people have” and not “have a lot of people.” English is fun, isn`t it? 🙂 These exercises help you a lot to do so much for this please do more if possible. These exercises are fun to answer. It`s so helpful for me to improve my grammar even further. I did the above worksheet for my university students in an English for Academic Purpose (EAP) program. Students can perform the following exercises. A plural noun is more than one thing. These plural themes are the same as “you.” This exercise is useful in improving our ability to learn English grammar and it helps me to think critically. I was delighted to respond.

Thank you 4. Sentences in parentheses () or between commas are not part of the subject. These exercises really tested my knowledge about SVA. It was beautiful and very beneficial. I liked to answer it. 1. The word closest to the verb is not always the subject. 2.

In the opposite sentences, the verb corresponds to the name that comes next. This is the rule for all verbs (jump/walk/read/etc). These exercises help me improve my skills in this type of activity. Thank you Everyone refers to each person. These subjects correspond to a verb in the singular form of the third person. Again, the theme is “The Man (who bought a hundred houses)”. To find the subject, just look at the verb and ask yourself (what) is rich? The answer is that man (not houses) is rich. “Me neither” and “Me neither”: we can also use “me too” and “me neither.” “I too” has the same meaning as `so ` hilfsverb ` I` and `I neither` has the same meaning as `neither ` auxiliary verb `I`. “Me too” and “I don`t” are very informal: the theme of the bird in the trees is similar. It`s one thing, so the verb “was” won`t `were`.

There are also several other rules that are not listed above. Try the exercises below and if you have any questions, leave a comment. 10 Rama, Hari and Shiva love spicy food. (It is possible to associate two subjects, and if the first subject is singular, the verb is probably also singular.) Countless names also use the same verbs as individual names. Example: Fill out the sentences below with a verb form corresponding to the theme. Watch our Youtube video for simple explanations of the rules of the thematic verb agreement. If the subject of a sentence (z.B. “I”) does not correspond to the verb (z.B.

“are”), we say that the subject and the verb do not match. In other words, you have a subject-verb chord error (SVA), which is a common mistake for English learners. Undoubtedly very useful to pass at least insensitive grammar error. Combine the following sentences with an appropriate form of verb indicated in parentheses.