Q: What compensation can I receive if the tenant resigns from my lease without notice? Hello wants to know if I only rent one room rm1100 per month, the owner charges me a rental fee rm354.00, the unit got 4 rooms, its all costs individually I think. So I have to pay that much? Stamp duty on a tenancy agreement must be paid by the tenant, while the copy must be paid by the landlord. Stamp duty on a lease in Malaysia is calculated as follows: there is no typical form of lease. The landlord and tenant can include all the conditions in the tenancy agreement as long as it is legal and has been agreed by both parties. Q: What information should I include in the rental agreement? RM1 for each RM250 of the annual rent of RM2.400. Stamp duty is free if the annual rent is less than RM2,400. You can pay stamp duty at any Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN) in Malaysia, for a list of LHDN stores near you, go here. Normally, there are two copies of the lease, one copy for the owners and one for the tenants. Both copies must be stamped by LHDN before moving to a new property. The Malaysia Inland Revenue Authority, also known as the “Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia”, LHDN Malaysia is where you can pay your stamp duty and perhaps get stamps on your leases. As noted above, the legal fee for a lease is standardized in Malaysia. The fee is as follows: Note: The above machine is reserved for legal fees and/or stamp duty only with respect to the main document. As a general rule, other fees and taxes must be paid, such as.B.

legal fees for subsidiary documents, GST and other payments (out-of-pocket cost). For a full offer for your particular circumstances, please contact Ms. Ma Pin Yen (pinyen@gtrz.com.my), Ms. Lee Fong Ling (fongling@gtrz.com.my) and Ms. Lee Yun Zhi (yunzhi@gtrz.com.my). There is no strict rule on this issue, because the law does not say as conventional is the tenant who bears the cost of stamp duty, but some (more desperate) landlords agree to divide 50/50 or absorb the costs to secure the lease. Nothing is set in stone. There is no firm law as to whether the tenant or landlord should bear the legal costs of the tenancy agreement.